Eating Plant Based Foods

Eating Plant Based... Is it difficult? What are the benefits? Do you only eat salads everyday? Why do you chose to eat that way? So are you vegan? Vegetarian? 

These are questions I get all the time when asked what I would like to eat. It is irritating sometimes because people are so closed minded. In this day in age, people are so trained to think that meat is the only option out in the world to eat. I am going to be honest when I first thought about going "vegan" (I really don't like to use the word vegan or any label because I am human and can if I decided one day I wanted to eat fish or something than I could) so plant-based is the best word to use, but I thought the exact same thing. That habit seems so boring but little did I know huh. 

Once my consort and I realized how beneficial it would be for our physical, mental, and spiritual body we were all in together. I had just graduated college when we decided to make the transition. Of course we started slowly, because going cold turkey would have been extremely hard. First, we let go of pork, which was the easiest for us because every single time we ate it it immediately gave us headaches. I know I use to get them all the time and never knew why. It used to give me nightmares too, hated that shit. Got damn parasites in the pork is what did it. It goes straight to the brain. Then, beef was next on the list but that was easy too. I hated the greasy mess it came with. Chicken was a little hard to let go but we had saw documentaries on how they slaughter these animals and truly it is very devastating to watch and the pain in the animals is so heartbreaking. Now fish was the hardest and the last thing we let loose of... LAWD I tell you I used to love some salmon, especially my grandma's salmon crotchets LOL! 

I could tell my body was making a change because I gradually lost weight by not eating meat. I will be blunt I was looking a little frail I tell ya! But I was just happy all those bad energies from the animals were leaving me. I didn't realize how much pain, frustration I was in by consuming meat and all the baggage that their souls had in the slaughtering. As a young women I did not know that what I ate would affect my body odor. I know I am not the only one who would sweat in the pom pom area in the blazing summer and smell fishy, even after getting out of the shower. (TMI but I'm being for real) As soon as I left that salmon alone, I noticed a huge difference! Thank goodness for growth because girlllll I tell you that was embarrassing as hell going through that. My body appreciated going meatless and I felt so much lighter and happier.

What do I eat? 
Okay now we are getting to my favorite part!!! :) I can talk about food ALL DAY LONG. But at the beginning of a typical day oatmeal is my go to and/or fresh fruit. You would think oatmeal was plain old boring but the varieties are out of this world. You can have a savory oatmeal with bell peppers and mushrooms or sweet oatmeal coconut or other fruits. 

Savory Oatmeal

Lunch is my biggest meal of the day which consists of leafy greens, beans or legumes, and of course rice or quinoa. I always prefer rice because I grew up on jasmine rice but the brown jasmine rice is where its at. Oh can't forget steamed veggies or raw what ever mood I am in. Dinner is light because you don't want to go to bed stuffed with all the food because you'll wake up extra hungry and it isn't good for your body to work that hard while you sleep. Throughout the day I snack a lot on avocado toast with tomato, grapefruits, dates (MY ABSOLUTELY FAVORITE), blackberries, blueberries, any fruit on hand really. 

Berry Breakfast Bowl

Now they have documentaries on going plant based such as What the Health, Meat the Truth , and Forks over Knives. There are plenty more but those are just a few. They are really eye openers and informational.

As your body gets accustomed to the new routine of not consuming meat your gut can work even more efficiently than before. It would not waste anytime on rotted meat that stays in your gut over a weak. I would tell people all the time do not knock if before you try it. It's not that difficult but you do have to be mentally ready for a change. Go five days or week without meat and see how you feel. And you don't have to buy all organic produce or anything. I prefer buying non-GMO produce and they must have seeds. If it doesn't have seeds it ain't real. Simple as that!

My consort and I have been plant based now for seven years. Wow, I think that's amazing. We see a difference in each other's attitude towards each other and peers. Our energy levels and spirits are high with positivity. Our health is 100% and we haven't had to go the doctor for anything. 

My advice to you good people, It does not hurt to make that change to better yourself and your health. Your future depends on you!



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