My Home Birthing Experience

August 2015 
I remember taking pregnancy test back to back like there was no tomorrow. I had a strong feeling I was pregnant but my better half didn't think so. I believe I took like 5 test, the digital and the old fashion line test. All reported positive! I was ecstatic because I have always wanted my own. It was a total scare for my consort, Rod, because I guess he believe we couldn't get pregnant for whatever reason.  He eventually got over it and was happy about the whole ordeal. He was STRIVING for a boy, but when we got to the ultrasound I knew right off what I was looking at and we have a girl! I was wanting a boy too but when I saw she was a girl, I had butterflies lol. At that moment I was thinking about how at the hip she would be, I'm not gonna lie I was selfish then and I was a bit apprehensive about having a girl but hey what could I do? I just accepted the fact and it is what it is. 

I knew for a fact I didn't want to have her in the hospital, simply because the environment is not a feasible one to bring a newborn in with bright lights, machines everywhere, and so many people around that do not sincerely care about you (nurses and doctors). Doctors are aggressive and think they are "G-D" in the situation and know whats best, which is definitely not the case. We believe in the body going through the process on its own and that it'll know when its time. We both agreed we would do whatever it took to have her at home. Therefore, at the time we found Full Circle Midwifery in Memphis, TN. I was shocked that anyone had a practice here because it was unheard of. I didn't know anybody who have had a home birth so we were just walking in this thing together :)

FCM provided the most loving support anyone could ask for! They provided prenatal care,intrapartum, and postpartum care. I could call them anytime I had a question and/or concerns. I absolutely love the entire team because they were so helpful and genuinely caring. I recommend them if you are in the Midsouth Memphis/Northern Mississippi area. We didn't have to break the bank either with their services, which is always a plus! 

As I approached my due date early April 2016, we grew anxious preparing the house and gathering supplies. I had already notice my body changing and prepping itself for the special delivery. I remember picking up a baby shower gift from my dear friend Ashley, she bought a bassinet for me and we were just talking in the parking lot and my overlarge belly kept tightening up. I was like girl I have to go, but I didn't mention to her what had just happened. So we get home, I was overexcited about putting the bassinet together! When I saw the finished product everything just got real. Then I noticed my belly kept tightening up again.
This time I knew it was contractions so I began to time them. They were like 7-10 minutes apart, I remember looking down at my belly as it squeeze my baby. It felt like I had on plastic wrap lol. Rod, my most valuable supporter, was excited as hell that the time has actually came! We inflated the pool and filled that bad boy up!!! My midwife came to check on me that night, but my contractions weren't close enough for her to stay but she did come the next day and stayed with us all day. I labored in the pool most of the time and that relaxed my whole body. I love that we had a pool, that had to been the best idea anyone could come up with. I was relieved to a certain extent. Those contractions were not a joke though, I just had to keep breathing.

When the other apprentices came to assist, one of them told me that is your best medicine right now, is breathing. They even had a exercising ball and that took my mind of the pain bouncing constantly. Alright fast forward to pushing time... they insisted that I don't push but my body was doing it all on its own. So I just went with the flow. I wanted to have her in the pool but it just wasn't comfortable for me in there with it being on a hard wood floor and on my knees trying to push. I tried pushing sitting on a pushing stool, that didn't last long because my shoulder came out of the socket. The way Rod was holding me under my arms it just slipped out. Wait... I know this is not normal, but I have a history of my shoulder coming in and out because of weak muscles. It usually hurts but those contractions were worst so I just simple told them it came out and was alright. The FCM team did not panic they looked up something on google and put it back in place for me. I didnt feel a lick of pain in  my shoulder, thank goodness because usually I would have hollered! lol I can laugh now but certainly not then.

Then the bed was my next option, I laid there continuing to push. I noticed progression because they let me feel her head coming out. That feeling I had then was so surreal! I was in disbelief that she was actually coming, like NOW. With each of these contractions I had to grunt my way through, push, and breath all at the same time. Looking back on the videos I was so freaking loud! OH MY GOODNESS! While pushing the apprentices had warm water in a crockpot and used warm compression as I pushed. That helped so much and was soothing for the vagina area. I was appreciative of that. Then I finally pushed her head all the way out, which was a huge relief. Pain at this point was nonexistent, I only felt pressure with each contraction. They wanted me to get on my knees to push the rest of her out so when she finally came through, that was the best feeling in worlddddddd! I hurried and sat back down and I remember I kept telling them "Give me my baby, give me my baby!" I didn't care how they felt about it, I have been waiting for ten long months to see this beautiful face :)
Aziza was finally here, alive and well. As soon as she heard my voice her head looked straight up at me and I would never, NEVER forget that precious face as she acknowledged my voice. My heart simply melted with so much love. She just laid on me and cried and I was all in the moment. 

I thought it was over after that, but then they told me that I had to push out the placenta. I was like dang mane.... I just wanted to lay with my baby because I was exhausted. I mean it felt like my body just ran a 25k marathon for goodness sake! When I pushed that bad boy out that was it!! I lost a lot of blood but my iron level was up so I was good. I felt the pulsating blood pumping through the placenta to Aziza and when it stopped  they cleaned the placenta off and brought her back to bed so they could perform her measurements. The midwives told us to guess how much she weighed. So I said 7lbs, Rod said 6lbs. When they weighed her they said a whooping 8LBS 4OZ. I was shocked that I was carrying a 8lb baby! We decided to keep the placenta attached until it fell off on its own, which is called a Lotus Birth.
Just to ensure she receives all of her blood because that is the cause  of majority of the problems with newborns. The hospitals do not even allow your baby to receive all the blood or even finish pumping to the baby. Many babies go anemic or have serious infections if they have not received all of their blood. I do not see the problem with just being patient and letting it finish its process, but hospitals want to RUSH and do everything and not let nature take its course. 

After everything was cleaned up, my midwives cleaned the whole house, I mean cleaned every dish in the sink and put all the dirty laundry away. Cleaned it so much that you wouldn't have known they were there. But Rod cleaned and cleared the pool because we bought a personal one from walmart. Then we all got to rest and sleep good the first night, but after that were those 2-3 hour feedings! We were pretty exhausted for about 3 weeks but then we got a consistent schedule.

Home birthing is by far the most amazing experience I have ever had and was the happiest day of my life I would never forget. I truly met my little angel that day and now she is two years young and talks more than your average five year old. If this has motivated you to do a home birth, by all means DO IT! you'll love the experience and treasure that special moment. Just do your research first and foremost. I'll leave you with this overload of cuteness!
Peace 13love


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